April 29, 2006

Universal Harmony

Here is what I see as a glass half full, along with some craftiness for Mother's Day. Hubby, on the other hand, would see a glass half empty. This is an example of the yin and yang of our relationship. I prefer to view it as us doing our part to promote harmony in the universe.

So it's probably best if I expand on my last post, wherein I discussed assessing someone's character by observing their behavior in the grocery store. It is entirely possible that when someone ahead of you puts that plastic divider thingie up there on the belt, they are trying to make sure the checker doesn't charge them for any of your items. It would probably be wise to look at their face to see if there's a smile or a scowl before you entrust them with doing any housesitting.

So Big City Girl did indeed come for her visit yesterday, and in the excitement of having my medical/dental issues behind me, I took her to the mall and let her have her way with my credit card. She was thoughtful though and just bought essentials. We had a lovely time. It was so much different than previous excursions to the mall where she would walk three paces ahead of me and not speak. Or talk on her cell phone while doing same. Or better yet....beg and plead with me to let her go without me, but in the company of my credit card.

The days of green hair highlights and torn t-shirts are gone. There's rarely an uncovered tummy, and clear nail polish has replaced the blue. She does crossword puzzles for fun, and she really liked the dust mop, I mean the Mandarin-collared sweater I'm knitting for her.

I tried hard to have faith during those turbulent teenage years. Having had my children later in life, I had many friends who had already navigated the rapids and they assured me that calmer waters were up ahead. They were right. BCG seems to be turning back into a kind and thoughtful person--just like all of her teachers used to write on her report cards.

So I figure this is all the Mother's Day gift I need this year. Well......maybe she could think about cleaning her room. Or, at least clearing a little path so we can at least open the storm window....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. What brand was your father's frig?
Glad you and your BCG had a good time together. Isn't it wonderful how these young people mature!
I love it. Happy Mother's Day!
Kathy W.