April 07, 2006

A Butterfly.....almost

It's not very spring-like here in the northeast today, but I know it will be eventually. That's why I'm working on this little critter. I think she'd be cute sitting on an end table watching over a little pot of African violets. Or whatever. I'm not much of a gardener. The only flowers I grow are the needle and thread variety.

This is one of three dolls I have underway in my workroom at the moment, and she has been the most demanding of my attention. I say "she" because she told me her name is Beatrice. I have more work to do on her. She's just pinned together at the moment, and I put a purple flower on her just for show. I usually use those on the red hats. I like Beatrice's expression. She's thinking, "Please don't make me go out and fly around in the garden......I like it here just fine!"

Also underway in my workroom is another red hat doll. Since Pearl left, things have been pretty dull in there. Now I'm working on Dottie. It's funny how they let me know what they want to be called. A while back, I was wondering if I should name my dolls at all, but now that I've started doing it, they let me know right away. It's a telepathy thing I guess....

And I'm still working on the graduate in pink sneakers. Fortunately, she's been patient. I guess as it gets closer to graduation time, she'll start to nag. You know....... maybe I've been spending too much time in the workroom with these characters. Maybe it would do me good to get out and about with some real people......

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