April 18, 2006

Pomp & Circumstance

Here's my whimsical graduate doll.....almost done. Well, I thought she was almost done, but then I decided to take her head off (poor thing) and put a little more stuffing in her neck. I really do try my darndest to keep the dolls from being bobble-head characters. I'll be embroidering a "2006" on her scarf, and painting her nails. Something to match the shoes maybe.

The mortar-board hat went together pretty easily. I planned ahead this time and remembered to put the tassel on before stitching the hat to her head. I crocheted the cord out of gold embroidery floss, leaving a long enough end so that I could thread it through a needle, poke it through the top of the hat, and tie it underneath where it doesn't show.

She hasn't told me her name yet. Maybe she's waiting til I get her head sewn back on....heh...heh...The hair was a challenge. Her first "do" was ok, but then I realized it was mostly gray. And most gals don't do what I did....wait til they're 51 to graduate.....so I found some dark brown wool in my stash and made her more youthful. I like that it looks a little wild though. What were those folks thinking who designed mortar-board hats anyway? And......have you ever noticed those crazy hats the professors wear at graduations? Just too much pomp for me....but plenty of whimsy, and always good for a laugh!

In a little while, I'll be going over to see my hairdresser for a much-needed hair cut. She'll be telling me that I'm overdue for some color too, which I know all too well. I think someone has been sneaking in during the night and sewing some of that gray wool doll hair to my head . And while I'm out, I'll drop by the post office and ship Dottie the Red Hat Lady off to her new home. She's headed down south, where those Red Hat Ladies can be pretty wild, or so I've heard.....

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