April 13, 2006

Funny Bunnies

With Easter approaching, I thought it would be fun to see how many of my hand-crafted bunnies I could find around the house. These aren't all of them. Some of them were hiding. Probably with the dust bunnies. The mommy is one I made for my daughter when she was little. It has been well loved....or slightly abused, I'm not sure which and I hate to think.....

I made the bunny in the middle for my son. He definitely needs to be propped up, as his neck is very floppy and he usually looks like he's just nodded off. I've since learned that when I think I have enough stuffing in the neck and head, I don't. Bunny on the left is a more recent one that I made for sale at craft fairs. She is wearing one of my hand-crocheted collars.

I did visit a fabric store this morning, but was unsuccessful in finding ladybug fabric.....which would be red with black polka dots....not white ones....I was wrong. Now it occurs to me that I could just use red fabric and stamp some black spots on with fabric paint and a sponge. That might even look way more cool!

So tomorrow I'll be having some Easter fun--coloring eggs. And I got the stuff that doesn't need vinegar.....don't you hate it when you don't have enough and you have to go out to the store again! I usually fix up an Easter basket for Tech Guy and Big City Girl, and then I hide them just like when they were little. They giggle and laugh and worry that some day I'll stop because they'll be getting too old for this. I'll put a few colored eggs in their baskets along with some Snickers and Cadbury eggs.....and Peeps, of course! Then later, they'll go on home with their candy safely zipped into a plastic bag, and they'll leave all the hard-boiled eggs for me.

I guess that's fine. It's really what I expect anyway. Only 2 points on Weight Watchers.....

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