April 06, 2006

A few more pillows

Here are some pillows I made way back in the 70's. My parents liked them and displayed them on the couch, not far from the little ceramic ashtray I made in grade school. When you become a parent, your appreciation for art expands into a whole 'nother dimension.

The pillows on the left and right are embroidered with yarn, and the one in the middle is crocheted. I do crochet from time to time, but I haven't done any lately. Once in a while I crochet a collar for a doll. My grandmother would be proud. She was the queen of crochet, and she was my teacher. She was ever-patient and encouraged me to keep at it, and assured me that with enough practice it would become easy. She also had chocolate chip cookies in her big sailor boy cookie jar for when frustration struck and I needed a little break. I think it was the cookies that kept me going.

My grandma made wonderful crocheted things. She made a bedspread for each of her four children, and I now have the one she made for my folks. It makes a nice spring spread for when we no longer need the down comforter. But what I remember the most is the little cups and saucers. I thought it was magic. She would crochet a little saucer and then the cup, and then the handle--all in one piece. Then she would starch it.

After my grandpa died, grandma learned to drive their 1950 Plymouth with the stick shift. I think that's why my dad got gray hair.....he taught her. Once she got her driver's license, she drove all of her friends to the senior center for activities. And she started doing a lot of babysitting. She was in demand and had many regular customers. And she always had her crocheting in her purse to keep her busy during the long evenings. That, and Lawrence Welk on TV with those Lennon sisters.

I have to thank my grandma for my love of crochet and other handwork. I've never minded waiting for things because I usually have something fun to do while I sit. And sometimes I meet interesting people in the process. It's too bad lots of kids today haven't had the opportunity to learn patience. I think it's because of computers and video games and instant messaging and cell phones. They just don't seem to be able to wait around for instant gratification.....

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Why oh why don't you post the crocheted items for us to enjoy? BTW,
I am posting some needle/yarn work inspired by YOU on my blog tonight. come over to irisheyesknitters.blogspot.com and see. And thank you for the inspiration.