December 06, 2016

The gnomes have homes

After my craft show work was done, I whipped out a couple of gnomes...or, I guess I should say....I gneedled a couple of gnomes....

They're identical twins. They look kind of Christmasy.  Both were gifted to friends, one of whom really likes gnomes and had been dropping hints.  The other one didn't know she liked gnomes until she opened the wrapping.  She seemed to think he was gnice.  I was pretty sure she would like him because she really likes anything gnick-gnacky.

So now back to my gnitting.

December 03, 2016


I've just finished another spell of crazy crafting....all because of a fun trip last weekend up to the old hotel to show Big City Girl the festiveness.  "Many of your items have sold," said the lady-in-charge.  I was all smiles, but the lady was not.  "What are we going to do?  This is only day one and there are five more."

So, of course, I came home and got out my felting supplies and got right to work.  I'm a glutton for compliments.
Today I'm resting up in my recliner watching football with Mr. Gadget.  How much football can one man watch I wonder?  I'm not totally zoned out though.  I'm getting some knitting projects lined up.  Knitting to me is like cleansing the palate is to a foodie.  It's a nice neutralizing activity during the holidays and afterwards.  

We'll be leaving for the west coast soon....early this year to spend Christmas with family members in northern California.  I have the packing down to a science after all these years of going to and fro.  25% of the suitcase is for clothes (I wear the same thing a lot), and 75% is for craft supplies.  And in the event that I run out of suitcase space Mr. Gadget is not above packing a little yarn in his.