December 03, 2016


I've just finished another spell of crazy crafting....all because of a fun trip last weekend up to the old hotel to show Big City Girl the festiveness.  "Many of your items have sold," said the lady-in-charge.  I was all smiles, but the lady was not.  "What are we going to do?  This is only day one and there are five more."

So, of course, I came home and got out my felting supplies and got right to work.  I'm a glutton for compliments.
Today I'm resting up in my recliner watching football with Mr. Gadget.  How much football can one man watch I wonder?  I'm not totally zoned out though.  I'm getting some knitting projects lined up.  Knitting to me is like cleansing the palate is to a foodie.  It's a nice neutralizing activity during the holidays and afterwards.  

We'll be leaving for the west coast soon....early this year to spend Christmas with family members in northern California.  I have the packing down to a science after all these years of going to and fro.  25% of the suitcase is for clothes (I wear the same thing a lot), and 75% is for craft supplies.  And in the event that I run out of suitcase space Mr. Gadget is not above packing a little yarn in his.

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