April 19, 2006

Gourmet delight

If you're under 55, you probably aren't familiar with these. I'll be having one for dinner (kind of an early-bird special) mixed with a small glass of ginger ale. Then, tomorrow morning, I'll be having another one for breakfast. Honestly, I'd rather be going to the House of Pancakes. This is all in preparation for having the gastro doc look at my colon in the early afternoon. It's not so bad, really. I've been there, done that once before. The stuff they put in the IV takes away all your cares and makes time go fast. The worst part is when they start looking for a vein in which to put the IV. Mine like to hide. Someone said that drinking lots of water will help and Lord knows I have to do that anyway. I expect to be spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom today....reading the Da Vinci Code which, lucky for me, just came out in paperback.

I made this chef doll some time ago. When I first started making them, I was using white fabric. After all, isn't that the color of choice for chefs? But some of my customers mentioned that the dolls were getting a little discolored from hanging out in the kitchen. So I started making them in food prints. One time I was doing a craft fair, and I had a cute chef wearing an outfit made from fabric with a red background and chocolate candies all over it. A lady two tables down from me was selling chocolates and she had a red tablecloth on her display table. As soon as I got set up, she rushed down--doing a little dance of glee--and snatched up the doll, saying it was just perfect for her display....and it was! It was like I made it special.

I think the chef dolls would be cute sitting on a baker's rack among the cookbooks. In fact, I wouldn't mind having a real live chef of my own.....kind of like Oprah. And I'd like a good-looking one too. He would probably have no problem serving up my tasty dinner fare this evening in a long-stemmed crystal glass with a sprig or two of mint and one of those cute little umbrellas.......

1 comment:

kathy b said...


You are a hoot. Love the fleets doll accessories!