April 21, 2006

Graduate ready to graduate

Here's the graduate, all ready for her big day. Actually, I guess her big day has already passed, since she has her diploma in hand! This was a fun doll to make and I'm ready to make another one....this time with a more traditional outfit, but with red shoes. I always like a touch of whimsy! I learned a couple of things while making this one. Most important--stuff the head and neck more firmly so there's no bobble-head effect that requires tweaking later.

My intention is to put her up on eBay, since the graduation season is almost here. I think she would be a cute addition to a cake table, don't you think? It might appeal to someone who has a graduate with a bit of a rebellious streak. Maybe like me.....with one who likes rubber band jewelry.

This past week I sold two dolls on eBay....Dottie and Beatrice, who you've met before. Although I like the auction format, and the fun of watching it through the week, I wasn't thrilled to sell them both at the starting bid, which I probably set too low. Now I'm thinking of starting them a little higher, or maybe even offering a "Buy It Now" option. I'm going to ponder it over the weekend.

I'm happy to report that my little trek to the hospital yesterday went well. It was just "us girls." There was the lady gastro doc and the lady anesthesia doc and the nurse and me. They were having quite a gabfest while I lay on the table under a toasty blanket feeling sleepy and carefree. And wasn't I glad I'd packed a PB & J sandwich for the ride home!

And tomorrow Marcia and I will head up to WEBS for the yarn orgy. I understand the Yarn Harlot's appearance there has generated so much interest, they've had to move the program to a local hotel. It has been suggested that we bring our knitting, so I'll be casting on some socks later. They will be small enough to fit in my handbag, along with the camera. I can just see it now. Another blog post with multiple-picture challenge....

1 comment:

Conni said...

Wow! Love those pink sneakers!

I know what you mean about EBAY prices. I always start my Santas low and hold my breath until the end of the auction… I’ve been kind of mulling over the “Buy it Now” option, too.

Best wishes with your auctions!