April 03, 2006

Slam Dunk

Here's what I've been working on for the last couple of days. One is finished and one is still under construction. Actually, it's under re-construction because I botched the first attempt. I usually get in a hurry to see how something is going to come out, and I smear paint somewhere. Today hubby helped me come up with a drying rack for these kinds of things. I now have a dowel clamped to the edge of my work table over which I can slip big binder clips. It should work well to keep things with wet paint out of my reach.

While I was working on the shoes, I had an idea for another doll. There seems to be no end in sight for my character development. And, of course, I had to get started on it to see how it would take shape. It's a butterfly. It will be the same bean bag style, but with a butterfly head and wire antenna. I'll paint the body parts (head, arms and legs) and leave a little unpainted area for the face. I'm going to put some fabric leaves around the neck and maybe a flower of some kind. I'll use a print fabric for the wings, but will do some quilting embellishment.

Pearl, the Red Hat Lady doll, sold today on eBay. She'll be heading off to Philly. I have fun shipping off the red hat dolls. I found some red and purple tissue paper at the local dollar store to pack them with. And I usually put a red and purple shipping label on the box. Girls just like to have fun, you know!

On another subject, but somewhat related, my father was quite the traveler. In his condo he had two large maps displayed on the walls. One was of the U.S. and the other was the world. He put colored pins in all of the places he'd been.....red if by land, blue if by sea, white if by air. They were quite the conversation pieces. When I started selling dolls on eBay, I thought it would be fun to do a similar thing to show where my dolls had traveled to. At about the same time, I ran into a quilting friend who was making fabric maps, so I bought a very nice one of the US. Now I sew a gold star on it each time a doll leaves home. I hope Pearl likes Philly. Maybe she'll email and let me know.....

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