July 31, 2006

Got turkey?

Here is the pilgrim pair....all finished. Well, maybe not. Sometimes I just have an unfinished feeling about a doll that nags at me until I figure out what it is and fix it. I painted the shoes on the lady, and added a coat of sealer. They have a little sheen to them. The man's shoes are brown fabric, so I didn't paint them. But I think the shoes should match in color and texture, so I'm going to paint his shoes and seal them too. Then I think they'll be finished. I plan to deliver the dolls on Wednesday morning.

And since you're probably wondering about the bat, he got a clean bill of health. No signs of Rabies. We are happy and relieved. And we will make every effort to keep those critters out of the house. I'm going to make a crafty little sign that says, "No Bats Allowed!"

So yesterday, Mr. Gadget decided to accompany me to the grocery store. Whenever I call hubby "Mr. Gadget," you just know there's a good gadgety story to follow. Rarely does he go into a grocery store unless I've left town in a hurry and haven't stocked in plenty of frozen chicken pot pies.

It seems that while we were on the west coast, the local supermarket started a new self-checkout system. They're trying it out to see how it flies.When entering the store, you pick up a small gadget that looks kind of like an old Etch-a-Sketch (remember those?) It slips into a slot in the area just in front of the child seat. It has a little wireless scanning tool that comes off and can be used to scan the product codes on grocery items. It allows you to shop and scan and bag your groceries as you go. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I'll give it a few more tries. It seems like the store should at least pay me minimum wage for doing most of the work they used to do.

So tomorrow I have to face the music. That would be the scale. I'm committed to going back to Weight Watchers to work on undoing the damage I've done since last Fall's two-week cruise. I've been cruisin' ever since. And Friday I have my annual physical and I have no idea how I'll explain my weigh gain to the doc, especially after all the praise she gave me last year for getting down to goal. I think I'd much rather be back on the beach in Maui......

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