July 28, 2006


Here's Loretta--not too far from finished. She needs a little flower up next to her face. I could use a store-bought one, but I like to make as much from scratch as I can. I'll see what I can come up with....and I'm thinking purple. I decided to keep the original wings and put some embroidered running stitches on them. They aren't quite as shimmery as they appear; the camera flash made her look like a glow worm.

The pilgrims are sitting together waiting for their shoes to dry. They should be finished this weekend and ready for delivery the first of the week to the lady who has been hounding me, I mean patiently requesting them for a couple of years. I just hope when she sees them she doesn't exclaim, "Oh, what I meant was a scarecrow couple!" In that case, I've just made more decorations for my own Thanksgiving table....to go with all those fabric veggies in the corny copia.....

It's really hot here today and we're awaiting a big storm. The sun is still out, but things can change quickly. I asked hubby if he had a good supply of water on hand and he assured me he did. One of the worst things about a big storm in our neighborhood is quite often the power goes out. And when that happens, we can't use the water. We have a well and an electric pump. So there's no flushing the toilets. Having some water on hand at least gives us a couple of flushes and that keeps things a little happier in the house.

Mr. Gadget doesn't do well with power outages...and that's because....we'll, he's Mr. Gadget. No remotes, no TV, no garage door openers, no Tetris on the computer. He fidgets. I'm much calmer about such things. I can always knit. It's a great excuse to knit and not feel guilty about not vacuuming, ironing, washing or cooking. In fact, I could use a few more power outages, but don't tell Mr. G I said that!

And in bat news, there have been no more visits I'm happy to say. Although last night we had the A/C on in our bedroom and the bearings must have been making noise. We were sure the bats were scratching to get in. I'm keeping my resolve not to go batty with worry. On Monday we will get the bat report card, and let's just hope he gets an A in hygiene....

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