July 13, 2006

Blueberry cheesecake?

I thought I would share my recipe for blueberry cheesecake. Start with a nice springform pan. Then find a medium-sized bath towel or a couple of hand towels, bunch them up, and wrap some bluish-purple fabric around them--something you might have purchased to dress a Red Hat Lady doll in. Push the whole thing down into the pan and fluff it up a bit around the edges. Add a little cake spatula and pose it on one of grandma's embroidered napkins.

I have another recipe for cheesecake that might be a little tastier, and certainly more palatable, which I will share at a later date. I should know it by heart because I've made it lots of times. But I wouldn't want to lead anyone astray so I need to double-check the recipe.

I decided today's blog theme would be cheesecake because I met a friend for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. We each had a reasonable lunch followed by a slice of unreasonably high-calorie cheesecake. There were at least 25 different kinds to choose from. I chose key lime; she selected Heath Bar crunch. We both sent our husbands out for fast-food dinners. We may not be hungry again til tomorrow's lunch.

Sometimes I refer to my lunch mate as my internet friend. We met online. She was a regular contributor to the AOL travel message boards for southern California. In fact, she lives in the same town where I grew up. So, from Connecticut I sent her a short email to say that I was from her area, and sometimes I missed it--especially during the snowy east coast winters. She wrote back and we began an online correspondence that has continued for several years. We discovered we were the same age, had moved to the town when we were two years old, that our fathers had built our houses, and we knew many of the same people.

Often we'll get going back and forth about the good old days, when our hometown was smaller and no one locked their door. She remembers when they paved the streets, and when the Santa Claus float would come around the neighborhood. One time she sent me digital photos of the remodel-in-progress of the house I grew up in.

Sometimes I'm critical of technology.....what with things being so complicated to operate they often require a two-volume instruction book. But sometimes there's the good kind, like when it provides a way to make a special friend. For a long time she tried to convince me how easy it would be to crop and send photos. I resisted, thinking it would be far too complicated for my non-tech brain. But I finally got the hang of it and now do it with ease. And after today's lunch, I realize I may have just put one over on her. My digital camera is smaller than hers........


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.