July 07, 2006

Father Who Knows Best

Not too long ago, I emailed Tech Guy a photo of hubby in what we call his Father Knows Best sweater, and asked him to draw a face with his new digital pen and then magically make it appear on the photo. He did a nice job. I like the pleasing expression he gave his dad too, as if he's just said, "Why yes son, you can drive my expensive car and feel free to help yourself to my credit card too." Tech Guy promises he'll work on getting rid of the black background when he has time. I think I'm seeing a Photoshop tutorial in my future.... Anyway, for anyone who grew up in the 50's, you'll remember Jim Anderson, the dad on the Father Knows Best TV show and how he would come home from work and change from his suit coat into his cardigan sweater. That was before Mr. Rogers.

Hubby has become quite the blog supporter. He keeps his eyes open for interesting things around the neighborhood (it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, by the way.) Today, after returning from his visit to the gym, he told me there was an interesting bumper sticker on one of the cars in the parking lot. "It might be blog-worthy," he said. So after dinner we took a little stroll. I'm wondering.....could this be a knitting witch, or maybe a witch who likes to paint? Or could it be one who is crafty as in devious? Maybe she would be interested in buying one of my crafty witches.....or one of my painted black cats. Then again, maybe I'll just keep my distance. She might be one of those spell-casting witches.

So I did make a trip to Joann's today for some crafty supplies to make a little something for a friend who is ever the thoughtful one. I'm going to see her next week. She does occasionally read my blog, so my lips are zipped for now. And while I was getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, I was reminded of another pet peeve. What is it with people behind you who honk while you wait for the traffic to clear so you can turn right into the street? They must think if they honk, you'll decide to pull out and allow the passing traffic to broadside you, causing great bodily injury. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Where is one of those devious spell-casting witches when you need one......

1 comment:

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