July 05, 2006

Leaning tower of tree

The botanical garden may have more trees, but I think our condo complex has a few interesting specimens too. Take, for instance, this huge leaning pine tree that sits just outside the fence near the pool. It seems to be well-rooted in the ground, but at some point its trunk just sort of angles off. I have to assume it's not posing any danger to anyone, otherwise I'm sure the grounds-keeping folks would have summoned a lumberjack. I suppose there's a lesson here. If you keep your feet planted firmly on the ground, maybe you'll be lucky enough to remain upright through the stormy weather that is life. Or maybe I should just stay here on the west coast where there's probably no chance of a blizzard. But where's the fun in that?

So I'm feeling a little blue today, and there's no real reason for it, other than I am tired. I've always been a bit moody, and I've been known to blame it on my birth sign. I'm a Cancer.....also known as a moon child.....so I tend to wax and wane. I used to try to fight the bad moods, but they usually won. Now I just give in to them. I warn hubby and assure him that if I'm just allowed to wallow for a while, I'll be fine by morning.

So, while I'm wallowing I've been noticing the map that hangs above my computer table. It was mounted on the wall by my dad several years ago to record his travels.

The push pins, which are probably hard to see, are color-coded. White ones indicate where he traveled by air, yellow by land, and red by sea. He's been to all seven continents, and to both the Arctic and Antarctic Circle. He's been around the world, and he's traveled on the Concorde and the QE2. For ten years, he flew his own plane. He was quite the colorful character in his day......and this may be one of the reasons I'm feeling a little blue today. His travels today are strictly by wheelchair, along the short hall in his nursing home. But at least there is ice cream and chocolate cake, and the occasional lemon meringue pie.......

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