May 14, 2006

More favorite things

Since today is Mother's Day, it seems appropriate to share a couple of items from my "Favorite Things My Kids Made" list. The first is an embroidered pillow made by Tech Guy when he was 11 or 12. I will never forget the circumstances. He had been grounded and was serving time for an offense that shall remain nameless. What has always been amazing to me is how he did this all on his own without any sewing or embroidery instruction. His observation skills must have been keen, or else there is some sort of genetic explanation.

The second work-of-art was done by Big City Girl. It's a pen and ink drawing with cut-out letters that have been glued on, and a stained-glass effect along the bottom. I need to get busy and find a suitable frame. BCG usually has her sketchbook with her and draws wonderful pen and ink drawings of all kinds of things. Sometimes outdoor scenes, and sometimes just a hairbrush. It's a rare treat when she allows me a glimpse of her pages.

So Tech Guy asked me what I'd like for Mother's Day, and I told him I had everything I could ever need or want, but it would be nice if he came over and gave me a big hug. And then I thought it might be nice to have a fancy banner for my blog. The obvious complexity of that project just boggles my mind, but he is...after all....the Tech Guy. "Maybe you could do something with pasta," I suggested. I haven't heard back yet. I'm pretty sure that when I mention pasta to him, he's thinking dinner at Mom's with some leftovers. I think a nice banner might be worth a big plate of lasagna. I'd even throw in some chocolate chip cookies....and maybe a load of laundry if it's really a mouth-watering banner.

While waiting for ladybug inspiration and the black cat's paint to dry, I did cut out the pieces for Olga's cat. Kitty construction will begin soon. And just for fun, go over and look at Mimi's blog to see what she has been constructing lately.....out of thread and fabric....or is that nuts and bolts?

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