May 25, 2006

Good-bye old friend!

It is with a great deal of sadness that I report the not-so-untimely passing of my old wallet. It has served me well for the last 25 years or so....probably more.....but I'm embarrassed to think how much more. I had been thinking of replacing it for years, but just hadn't gotten around to it.....til now.

As I was walking through Macy's today, on my way out after already having done more shopping than is typical of me, this cute little crafty number caught my eye. A saleslady with some idle time was tidying up the wallet display with a feather duster, so I browsed around in the handbags til she was done and then I grabbed it up, all freshly dusted. It's a little smaller than my old one, so should leave just enough room in my purse for my new electronic toys.

I'm not sure what I will do with the old one. It has been my constant companion for years now, so I'm not too thrilled at the idea of just tossing it in the garbage. I'll probably do what I usually do with things I'm finished with. I'll find a place to stash it in my big stash collection, and eventually I'll end up throwing it in the garbage anyway. But the separation anxiety should have lessened significantly by then.

And if you're feeling a little weepy for me, here is a picture I've been saving for a time when I needed something light-hearted and less somber. It's me and Lego Man. It was taken during my last visit to Calif. when hubby and I went to Disneyland. We were on our way out and decided to take a stroll through Downtown Disney--a long boulevard of shops and restaurants just outside of the main gate. Lego Man didn't have much to say, so I didn't stay very long. Probably just as well, since I would have no doubt nodded off right along with him.

Next Wed. we'll be heading out west again for a few weeks. I have to pack, but otherwise I'm ready. I've got my new cell phone so I can stay in touch 24/7, we've got the new GPS so we'll never get lost, and I've got the new camera, so I'll be able to record and report much more than you'd ever have a need to know. But I promise to do it in a humorous way. The wallet grief should be mostly gone by then....


Anonymous said...

And here I thought having a refrigerator for 25 years was a big deal! HA

kathy b said...

Exactly where is Lego Man's other hand? I have heard he's a bit of a cassanova.....

too cute.

I too mourn the end of a great wallet. Out with the old in with the new! Life goes on

kathy b said...

Exactly where is Lego Man's other hand? I have heard he's a bit of a cassanova.....

too cute.

I too mourn the end of a great wallet. Out with the old in with the new! Life goes on