May 09, 2006

Hi-tech toy; Low-tech brain

Hubby, bless his heart, bought me an early Mother's Day present. It's a new mini-digital camera which I will never have an excuse to be without. The great news is that I will now have limitless blog possibilities. The bad news is that I now have to read the instruction book. I remember when there were booklets, but now there are books. I'd prefer having an "on-off" life, or even "wind-up" is the chattering teeth. They are easy to operate with no instruction needed. But I am determined to take on new technical challenges and grow gracefully into the modern age.....hopefully before it gets so far ahead of me there'll be no catching up.

Knitting challenges, on the other hand, should be finite. I think all of the stitches and techniques have already been invented. The dust mop sweater is giving me lots of "tinking" practice. Last night I discovered the stitch pattern was off, so I had to tink 8 rows. It probably had something to do with decreasing every 4th row on one side of the front for the neckline, every row 5 times on the other side for the armhole shaping, all the while keeping the stitch pattern going. Hubby actually had the nerve to ask me why I just didn't give it up. I figure that if I can finish this sweater, and figure out the new camera, I should have a nice boost in my self esteem. Somewhere I read that you don't get self esteem from reading self-help books. You get it from taking on challenges and completing them. That's why I do it. Well, at my age there's that and the dementia thing....

So this morning I went to my Weight Watchers meeting, and Rich (our great leader) was back from a vacation in France. He told us that hardly anyone in France is fat, and that they walk everywhere, and have no behinds.....but he didn't use the word "behinds"...heh..heh...Then a nice lady in the back row, who was obviously many pounds away from her goal, raised her hand and in a cute French accent said, "I know. I used to look like that til I came to this country." So, I think if this WW thing doesn't work for me this time, I'll book a flight to France and see what kind of results I get from the wine and croissants and.....oh yeah, the walking.....


Anonymous said...

Neat hi tech toy! But you already do great with whatever you have now! Glad the other Marcia can help you.

I've been walking and walking most everyday for several weeks now and not much weight loss so far. I don't believe the WW guy.

kathy b said...


Im battling the diet stuff too. Trying to make some changes. Its sure hard work.