May 29, 2006

Another doll finished

Big City Girl graduated from college yesterday. We were all very proud of her, and she was quite proud of herself....which is how it should be! As we were leaving the stadium, on one of the 45 shuttle buses, we passed by her old freshman dorm. It was almost impossible to believe we had delivered her there just four years ago.

We left home early in anticipation of the traffic that was predicted. I guess we could have slept a few more minutes. As we approached the stadium, we saw lots of parking spaces and found one very close. But apparently this was the basketball stadium and not the one for football/graduation. Hubby was a little miffed at me. I think he figured I should have been better prepared for my job as campus GPS person. Lucky for us, a nice shuttle bus driver stopped very soon to ask if wanted a ride.

Since we were so early, we had our choice of seats in the stadium, so we chose some that were close to where BCG's seating section would be. Not-so-conveniently, she ended up behind the tent. But not to worry. Tech Guy and BCG each had their cell phones with cameras, so we got to see a picture of her among the graduates, and she got to see a picture of her family in the stands.

Unfortunately, some of the graduates weren't too well-behaved. In addition to a couple dozen beach balls being tossed around, someone brought a naked, plastic blow-up woman. She made the rounds for five minutes or so, until one of the deans, decked out in his full regalia, leaned into the crowd to retrieve her. The sight of him carrying her off to a hiding place behind the podium was pretty humorous, but I decided to respect the ceremonious nature of the occasion and not record it.

So now BCG is back in the big city working. The celebrating will have to wait. And here at home, some things never change. She packed up her stuff and left for the train. And her cap and gown are here on the floor. A mom should never be without a good supply of dust mops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Now there is a photo of the best "doll" you ever made! Hubby was there to get you started on this one. It's easy to see that. What a lovely graduate.

Congratulations to your whole family! What a special day.

Kathy W.