May 27, 2006

Fred the cat

Here is Fred, the cat I made for Olga. He's all done except for a couple of wild whiskers. I think he got into the peanut butter! I've made lots of cats, but still haven't settled on a really good way to do the whiskers. On Fred, I used heavy-duty nylon thread. It's nice because it has a little spring to it. As long as the whiskers go east and west, everything's ok. But usually one or two decide to go south. That's when I tell people he got into the peanut butter. I hope Olga likes her new kitty. I think he'll make a nice nursing home pet. He'll be traveling in a plastic bag under the seat in front of me on the airplane. I hope he's not expecting one of those fancy cat carriers....

So Big City Girl was here yesterday....briefly. Most visits are brief because she always has exciting things to do elsewhere. I picked her up at the train station, took her to two appointments, and deposited her at a local shopping center to meet up with some friends who were headed up to Massachusetts. The graduation celebration was starting early. Hubby, Tech Guy and I will drive up tomorrow morning. We'll be leaving at 6 a.m., hoping to get a jump on what is certainly going to be a traffic nightmare......well, let's just say it's sure to be a challenge.

I insisted that BCG make sure her cell phone is fully charged so that we can figure out where she is in the sea of graduates who will be filling the football field. Yes, technology can be your friend when your child attends one of the biggest universities in the northeast. Well, it was that or the megaphone. Then later, if we find her, we'll have a little tailgate party in the parking lot with sandwiches, sodas and some "food of love" dessert. Good thing the celebrating is starting early because there won't be much of it afterwards. Poor BCG has to work on Monday. Real life begins.......

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