January 03, 2006

Red Hats Rule!

There's just something about wearing red shoes that make a gal wanna have fun!

This doll was inspired by my own Red Hat friends, and was lots of fun to make. The most exciting part was finding the fabric with the fishnet print. With just a tad of tea-dying, it makes perfect stockings!

Several years ago I made a Santa doll that was quite popular with family and friends. One day I got the bright idea to tweek the pattern a bit and make a snowman. That was just the beginning of what I like to call my character development. I've made cats, cows, witches, chefs, gingerbread men and bunnies---just to name a few. At the moment, I have a Valentine angel under construction. She'll be making her debut soon!


Anonymous said...

I love the exuberant proportions on the extremities and the expression on her face: what a doll!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I really do need to find a red hat bunch in my area. I don't like the concept of "I'm old enough" so I'll say instead, I've earned it!

BTW, I agree: typepad is soooo much easier!