January 26, 2006

Let's Eat!

At first glance, this looks like a quilt, but it's really "almost a quilt." It evolved out of my scrap bag, as many of my projects do. I did buy a few new fabric pieces to round out the food groups though. And since I do like a whimsical approach, I've added a block that's "not like the others."

Quilt-making is not my favorite craft. I really enjoy working on smaller things. Cutting out blocks and sewing them in to strips is ok, but after that it gets cumbersome. I think I like quilting more as a spectator sport.

When this quilt is finished, I'd like to pass it around at a gathering of family or friends to see what kind of conversation it might prompt. You can probably learn a lot about people from their food stories.

My favorite fruit is apricots. As a child, I used to eat them right off my grandfather's tree til I had a stomach ache. I like coffee, but not Starbucks. It's too strong. Besides, I like mine black and I don't think you can actually just order a black coffee there, can you? I made a big gingerbread house once. I took it to my kids' school for display, and was very disappointed to learn that it fell apart the next day. The building heat disintegrated the frosting--or maybe the custodians were hungry....

I'm a fan of jelly beans, but just the black ones, although I have been known to eat a yellow one now and then. I won't eat peas plain, but I will eat them in stew or pot pies. And my mother-in-law used to make the best eggplant parmesan and stuffed artichokes.

Would anyone else like to join me at the table?


Grangry said...

This is great, it reminds of a tie 'the boss' has, that is covered in little groups of vegetables.

Anonymous said...

Um, you don't eat CATS, do you?! I keep thinking what great napkins most of these fabrics would make!