April 17, 2008

Spring in the treehouse

It's been bright and cheerful in the treehouse the last few mornings, which has been just the excuse I needed to avoid the pesky housework. There are so many signs of spring outside--the grass greening up, the birds coming and going from the window feeder, the wasps flitting by, the sounds of chain saws.....I don't know why all this has moved me to make a snowman, but I don't question the muse.

He's almost finished. Just a few small details remain...hat decor, rosy cheeks, and shoe laces. And some stitches (much more professional) or glue (the lazy-crafter method) to secure his scarf in place. Then he'll have to sit around for a couple of seasons.....unless a snowman collector gets wind of him.

Meanwhile, I've started work on a couple of other dolls--one seasonal and one not so much. Here are some fixins' for the former....a frog.

And here are some scarecrow ingredients.

The lady who runs the senior shop nearby called to see if I had any dolls they could sell in their spring craft sale. I told her I would be happy to get busy and make a few. And then she rather sternly demanded, I mean gently suggested, that one of them should be a scarecrow. And who am I to disappoint.....what with my white sheep reputation and all. And speaking of white sheep, did you notice the fabric background I used behind the snowman? That's a piece I purchased with a white sheep in mind.

And speaking of sheep, there's nothing more fun for a fiber fanatic than a sheep festival. Other Marcia.....who recently hog-tied me and dragged me, I mean slightly nudged me, over to join that big ravelry website that's almost too big to comprehend.....has invited me to accompany her on a road trip to the Connecticut Sheep & Wool festival a week from Saturday. I don't need any more yarn, of course. And I don't need any more projects, what with the troublesome ones I already have underway....more specifically the red cardigan, a/k/a the red pest. So maybe I'll just watch other people buy yarn. I'm sure I could put myself on a yarn diet for a while. I doubt it could be much more difficult than one of those food diets.....


Anonymous said...

Mr. Snowman is looking very cute...and I love the fabric for a future sheep! Don't let Ravelry overwhelm you....take it one step at a time and use it the way it suits you. It can be nothing more than a place to keep track of your projects and needles and patterns and books (hmm, isn't that what blogging was supposed to do?) or a new community of friends!

kathy b said...

Scarecrows and Snowmen? Oh well tis the season for someone somewhere eh? I cant wait to see the scarecrow man or woman?