April 20, 2008

A fashion statement

Today, while working on Mr. Scares-the Crows, I realized I spend more time and effort choosing outfits for my dolls than I do choosing my own. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of a gal, but that would never do for the characters. They have to be nicely decked out so they'll attract attention.....and hopefully happy buyers.....at craft fairs.
In the past I've used dark brown felt for scarecrow hats, but I decided to try something a little different this time. This one is the same style as the snowman hat, but not as tall. I usually sew store-bought sunflowers on them, but I made this one from scratch. It's just a little brown yo-yo thingie sewn onto a few layers of yellow fabric that I cut in circles and fringed.
I sewed a few patches on his outfit. It's important for a scarecrow to be well-accessorized. This one is cut from his hat fabric. I'm happy with the way his hands came out. I was trying for a gardening-glove look. I think I'll grunge them up a bit with a little coffee stain for a more weathered look.
He's wearing big, clunky shoes that look like they've been over the river and through a ravine or two. Or blessed by the crows, if you know what I mean.....
Sometime after I'd finished all the stitching, he asked me if I wouldn't mind getting him a chair. He seemed to think he'd get pretty tuckered out standing in the garden for days on end, what with those heavy, clunky shoes and all. I was happy to oblige. But I'm sure frog's gonna want one too, so there'll probably be an ugly fight......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, he's GOOD! I think I love the scarecrows best and am so glad you decided to make them small! Love the hat!