April 08, 2008

Hens have it easy

Whoever gives out the medals for meritorious mom service should seek me out and pin one on my chest for being in the thick of some hazardous duty over the last several days. It was so easy mothering these two little cherubs who asked nothing more of me than to just turn on the hose so they could fill up their backyard blow-up pool.
It got so dicey I was even considering turning in my mom license for one of those mom I.D. cards that only identifies a woman as a mom and prohibits her from actually having her foot on the gas and her hands on the steering wheel.

But things are a little better now. I've found some excellent therapy.
And while I was out on a little shopping excursion this morning, I saw these cute sheep planters at the local dollar store. I almost made an impulse purchase, and then suddenly remembered I don't do gardening anymore.

But I did find just what I was looking for, and that was a small desk-sized easel for my roosters.

Yeah, I know. Eggs and roosters don't go together. Trust me, there's a hen party going on just out of view.

And there is a bit of good news. Spring has sprung here in the northeast and it's starting to warm up. I have a fool-proof method for determining, without referring to the calendar, the precise date of the season changes. It's the day the socks come off and the day they go back on......


Anonymous said...

I like my "therapy" in a Sutter Home bottle, but we do whatever it takes! That red sweater is coming along nicely! I won't let myself start mine till I finish the baby blanket and the long-abandoned Aran sweater. Glad things sound like they've improved!

Anonymous said...

Several hours of phone "therapy" with local friend did wonders yesterday. Almost back to being nearly "normal for me" after sleeplessness abatement last night.That's got to be some kind of improvement. Wish I could use "Betsy Ross" therapy, too! I'm always sticking my fingers. And I hate the sight of blood. Those denims will be around for centuries........I've seen unrepaired denims in the store windows for a super amount of money but I expect that's a fad of the past! And that certainly was a tricky area from another mom who knows. Good job!