April 25, 2008

Sheep du jour

I've been on a creative roll lately.....probably because it's been so pleasant in the treehouse this week, what with the sun shining in, the trees all leafing out, and a continuous stream of feathered friends stopping by the window feeder for a bite to eat. Some of them are content to stay put while I move around the room. Others fly away if I even slightly move to pick up the scissors.
I finished this sheep doll today. His arms and legs are skinnier than his predecessor--the black sheep. I'm not always good about marking my patterns. On some pieces I allow for a seam allowance, and on others I trace around the pieces and sew on the traced line. I assumed the patterns for the sheep appendages allowed for a seam, but I was wrong. I've now marked them so I'll know next time. My time-saving techniques usually come back to bite me.
This sheep is wearing a scarf I knitted from leftover sock yarn. I have lots of leftover yarn in my stash, so I may be making more sheep. Or snowmen. I'm sure they would be happy to wear one of my knitted scarves too. I haven't really minded giving the red pest a time-out while I've been knitting on these mindless little scarves. No gauges. No measuring tapes. Not even any concern about needle sizes. One size fits all.
So other Marcia and I have decided to cancel our trip tomorrow to the Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival. Neither of us needs yarn. It's probably going to be crowded, and gas is expensive. Besides that, she's got a new greenhouse toy that needs assembling and I've got some yard work I've been procrastinating about, I mean planning to do sometime this weekend.

I also need to schedule a driving lesson in Mr. Gadget's fast and fancy sports car. We may be taking a road trip soon, and he thinks we should take his car. It has a six-speed manual transmission and every gadget known to man, including cruise control, a built-in GPS system and a recently added radar detector. I'm a little anxious to say the least, but I've told him I should have no problem driving as long as I don't have to stop.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing because sheep actually do have very skinny legs...compared to the rest of the body. Your "mistake" might have been the way to go. You need to get your hands on more pictures of sheep....so many different breeds with so many different facial expressions. This guy looks like a Border Leicester!