April 24, 2008

Cats in cats

Here's what I've been working on for the last couple of days. I've sold a few cat dolls over the years; there are lots of cat folks. People have asked on occasion if I could make a dog, and I've usually put them off by saying I haven't been able come up with a good pattern. But the truth is, I'm just not a dog person. Making a dog doll would be work instead of fun, and I'm all about keeping this hobby of mine fun.
And speaking of fun, I do enjoy dressing cats in cats, especially if I'm able to find just the right print....usually one with cat colors in it. One of my biggest challenges has been finding the right supplies for whiskers. I've used upholstery thread that I've unsuccessfully tried to stiffen with glue. I've tried nylon thread. Nothing has worked to my satisfaction. Then, the other day I was in the dollar store and I found a big roll of cheap sisal twine. Eureka! I untwisted it and sewed a few strands into the face, then put a dot of glue on to keep them in place.
So yesterday Big City Girl and her best friend from high school jetted off to Las Vegas for a little vacation. Their motivation: irritating job stuff, irksome man issues, the promise of sun, a big hotel pool, and slot machines.
This morning I noticed BCG's horoscope in the local paper.
And I'm debating whether to send her a text message wherein I would make mention of this Lady's name. Would this qualify me as a bad parent I wonder? Maybe I'll just keep quiet about the whole thing, since what I've learned about parenting so far is that keeping my mouth shut is usually the best policy.
BCG, whose degree is in Communications, has never seen a need to communicate on a regular basis with her parents. It started in high school, during those turbulent teen years, and continued through four years of college. So I was pleasantly surprised and quite taken aback yesterday when she called to tell me she had arrived at the airport, then again when she got to the connecting airport, and finally when she landed in Las Vegas. It was enough to warm a mother's heart. Kinda makes me wanna cheer for Lady Luck.....


Anonymous said...

You better make a dog, 'cause that's the only way I'm ever going to get one in this house! Cute kitty, though!

Anonymous said...

It's Marcia, Marcia, Marcia, it's always Marcia.....heehehehe

Nice about BCG! That's a real bellweather. She really does need her mother...now she's going to grow up! Parents are often quite good as "silent" partners.

I was quizzed about life and everything went in one ear and out the other came out in reverse of what I thought I advised. What whizzes....