October 08, 2006

Happenings in the 'hood

It's a very beautiful and quiet day here on our newly-paved street. As you can see, the leaves are "gettin' on with it," although there are still lots of green trees. Now matter how hard we try to predict the peak of the color, it seems to always happen about the 15th of October.

Now that the totally disappointing and grossly overpaid Yankees have finished their season, Mr. Gadget has been watching football and I've been doing some witch construction and cookie baking. We thought it might be a good time to go say hello to a couple of new families that moved into the neighborhood months ago.

I was able to use my new Hefty plates with the neat and clever locking mechanisms. They are just the right size for a friendly, neighborly gesture. Unfortunately, no one was home at either house, so now I must put them in the freezer for a day or two. Too bad for them. They were still warm.

These cookies are very easy to make, and they've been shared at all kinds of occasions. They're from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook--the one with the red and white checks. There's no sifting involved; you just throw everything in the bowl at once and mix away...well, just about. I always keep the ingredients on hand because I just never know when my cookies might be needed. I will share the recipe in my next post.

So while we were out trying to deliver the sweets, I noticed something strange going on across the street. Our neighbor--the one who mows his lawn several times a week--has been blowing his leaves into a pile around this tree. And since I enjoy trying to solve the neighborhood mysteries, I'm guessing he's saving this for his grandchildren. They are young, and I'm sure they would like nothing more than to jump in this pile o' leaves. Grandpa will no doubt have his video camera ready to record the event, and will happily clean up the leaves...again....after they've gone home. Twenty years ago the same thing was happening on our side of the street...heh....heh.....Rest assured that I will let you know what happens to this pile, as I'm sure you're just as curious as I am.....

So Mr. Gadget is wearing a couple of bandaids on his left cheek--evidence of a little mishap that occurred a couple of nights ago. We were at the home of some friends who have two Jack Russell terriers. They always greet us warmly. Mr. G. decided to pick up the smaller of the two to see if he would give him a friendly lick on the cheek, but the dog had something else in mind. I'm happy to report that he's recuperating nicely though, and no doctor visits were necessary. Now that I know bandaids aren't just for home repair jobs, I guess I'll have to start carrying bandaids in my purse. Poor Mr. Gadget. I just can't take him anywhere......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day in your neighborhood! You seem to have about the same kind of luck we have with our neighbors...no one is home for warm homebaked cookies! Wish I lived in your neighborhood! And Mr. Gadget had a run-in with a dog. I've been bitten by a friend's dog and it didn't make me happy, I'll say! Poor Mr. Gadget. Our family dog is gone--after 16 years! And I say it was about time! We didn't let the bitch bite anyone ever (at least I don't believe she ever bit anyone besides me and our children while "playing"). I'd say the terrier's owner better watch out for that dog. They must warn everyone that this dog is now not trustworthy and could bite.

I remember leaf piles in PA for our young children. What a fun time for all! Hope your hunch is correct about your grandpa neighbor and his big pile of leaves!