October 20, 2006

Bingo Blogging

I suppose I've always been a little square, but tomorrow my being square will have a whole new meaning. I've signed up to be a square in the big game of Blogger Bingo that will be taking place among the fiber enthusiasts attending the New York Sheep and Wool Festival at Rhinebeck, New York. Being a Bingo square means that all day I will wear this cute little pin that I made and allow myself to be discovered by those who have taken on the role of "player." These will be the fiber-loving folks who have decided they want to hunt among the throngs of attendees to find the bloggers (all wearing squares) whose blog names appear on their game cards. I figure that since I've never been able to walk and chew gum (or talk while driving through freeway interchanges....just ask my cousin) being a square will allow me to shop for fiber while I play. It should be fun and there will probably be lots of shrieking....

I did have fun making my square badge. This is the second version. The first had the mini penne pasta pieces hanging down in a fringe effect. It was just too much. This version is much simpler and should not get tangled up in any of my fiber purchases or those of others in the event that there is a crush of shoppers converging on any one particular popular fiber vendor.

My camera batteries are fully charged and there's good weather in the forecast for Rhinebeck tomorrow. I should have a few pictures, not to mention a few stories to tell, when next I post. And did I mention, I'm riding with Marcia who is threatening to drive her husband's truck? There could be quite a fiber haul.....

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