December 30, 2010
Is there help?
December 28, 2010
The blizzard almost ate my blog
There were so many times during the last two days when I thought the condo complex was really just a house of cards that would blow away any minute.
"Our driveway looks pretty clear," I said, after noticing most of the snow had blown across the street. He looked out the garage windows and agreed, and then opened the overhead door.
So now I'm feeling a little tired. A good blizzard will do that to you. I think I need to sit a while near the fireplace with my feet up and enjoy a cup of coffee, and knit more mini sweater ornaments. Maybe Mr. Gadget will throw a nice crocheted afghan over me and I'll just sleep till New Years.
December 21, 2010
Tagging along
I think these are my favorites. With a red bowtie colored in, he was transformed into a Christmas kitty. I'm fond of his neon green eyes. He was just a sleepy-looking thing till I colored those in. Now he's looking a bit he just ingested some premium catnip.
I'm hoping I've made enough tags for the gifts I've purchased for Mr. Gadget, Tech Guy and Big City Girl. If not, I may have to take something back. No. Just kidding. But I'm going to leave all my tag-making supplies on my work space--the dining room table--just in case I have to make more. Then, it's very likely I'll be making what I make best. Dinner reservations.
December 20, 2010
Where's the fire?
So now let's talk about felting. I crocheted a flower long ago--while we were still in the old house--and I tried to felt it in my washing machine. You might be familiar with the Murphy Laws of Felting. It works something like this: When you put your nice wool sweater in the wash by mistake it will felt into a wonderful tiny doll sweater. But when you put a crocheted flower or a knitted bag, or some other fiber project you want to felt in the machine, not even a hint of felting happens. That's what happened to my flower. So I banished it to the curio thingie and labeled it a dismal failure.
Then, the other day, I decided to give it one more try. I took it out of the curio thingie and put it in my new front-load washer without an agitator (usually a requirement for felting). I threw it in with some towels and t-shirts.
December 16, 2010
My holiday motto: "No flat surface shall go undecorated."
December 12, 2010
Doggone it!
The big wooden Dalmation that sits by the front door keeping watch on the street has a lighted wreath around his neck and soon he, too, will have a Santa hat.
Maybe then I'll start on the cats. Or not. I don't suppose the elves will be showing up anytime soon to do my holiday chores.
December 09, 2010
I made this little piggy for a friend who was in need of a gift for a pig-collecting friend. He's not quite finished. I'm contemplating eyebrows. I know real pigs don't have eyebrows, although I've never gotten close enough to one to take a look. But in my whimsical world all things are possible.
And would you look at all this buttercream!
The curb-installing crew was at work. And I'll just mention that all of those vehicles, with the exception of the dark red Honda, have back-up beeps.
So today Mr. Gadget made his annual trek up from the basement with the box containing our artificial Christmas tree. When we ponder our options: 1) going out into the woods and paying a lot of money to cut down our own tree; 2) bringing the box up from the basement; and 3) skipping the tree altogether and just decorating the mantle, the box always wins.
My job is to assemble the tree and fluff up the branches. I'm the family fluffer. They don't call me Fluffy for nothing. Mr. Gadget's job is putting the lights on--with a minimum of expletives--while listening to Bing Crosby singing Christmas carols. Sometimes there's eggnog. It's almost more excitement than we can stand....especially on a day when we've already been abundantly entertained by the curb installers.
December 06, 2010
Nice ice
I cut off the tops of the jugs far enough down so the sides were perfectly straight. (This part will be important later.) Then I put an empty tin can inside the jug and filled it with rocks--or something else that would provide weight. Next I filled the jug with water up to the level of the can. Then I put it in the freezer, or outside if it was below freezing. Once frozen, I set it in the sink for a few minutes till the ice melted just enough to allow the can to slide out, and then I slid the large piece of ice out of the milk jug (this is why the straight sides are important.)
Very quickly I carried it outside and put it in a place for optimum viewing pleasure. I placed a small candle inside--votives are a good size--and lit 'er up. These will last a long time in wintery weather and they're very festive! And if you really want to go all out, put a little food coloring in the water.
Oh, yes. About the dolls. Six of 15 were sold, including Santa with the bunny slippers. So this has got me I'm wont to do about so many things....would a slightly smaller pair of bunny slippers make a nice ornament? And would I then have to call them slornaments?
December 03, 2010
More swornaments
November 29, 2010
Swivel-free zone
Sock stripes made with self-striping yarn are fairly predictable; itty-bitty sweater stripes are not. That's what makes them so much fun to knit. Tech Guy has been making the itty-bitty hangers. He's quite proficient with needle-nosed plyers.....what with all that tech fiddling he does. I've given him a sizable order--enough hangers for everyone in town. "Hey, Tech Guy! Where are you going? Come back here this minute!"
So, Tech Guy and Big City Girl were here for the holiday weekend and, as usual, they insisted on going out with their old school buddies. The thing is, they don't always remember to lock the front door when they come home, so one of the parents must get up out of bed to check. This time I volunteered.....and as soon as my foot hit the top step I felt it slip and I took a wild slide half a stairway down to the door on my butt. Thank goodness it's a well-padded butt. Otherwise, I would have hurt myself more seriously than just a twisted knee and a chicken-breast-sized bruise on my hind quarters.
I made quite a clatter and everyone came running. I know they must have been worried about who would heat up the Thanksgiving leftovers. Thankfully, there was no need to call 911 because I would have been painfully embarrassed to have outsiders see me in my plaid jammies with the toothpaste stains. I keep hoping one of these days I'll get the hang of my new electric toothbrush.
I'm happy to report I've made a good recovery. I can walk fine and I'm able to climb stairs. I even heated up the leftovers. But it's going to be a while before I can swivel.
November 22, 2010
In a baking mood
I have plenty of materials in my stash--leftover sock yarn and small double-pointed knitting needles. It took me about 4 attempts to cast on and get it going, but now I'm on a roll. This itty-bitty sweater is being knitted from the top down in a raglan style. I've finished the neck ribbing and am headed downward. The really fun part will be making the itty-bitty wire hanger when I'm done. It's probably going to be a whole lot easier to manipulate the needle-nosed plyers than the 5 knitting needles. I think if I sit with Mr. Gadget for one more boring football game I should be able to finish it.
For a long time I've been giving thought to making a collection of handmade Christmas ornaments. A change of pace from all dolls all the time sounds appealing. I have lots of ideas. I enjoy doing craft fairs in the Fall, and ornaments would be easy to transport and reasonably priced for wider appeal.
In other news, the vinyl siding is finally being applied to the new building next door.
The pistachio ice cream and Pepto Bismol are being replaced with buttercream frosting. Suddenly I've got a hankerin' for cupcakes. This end unit is a mirror image of ours. The windows on the top left correspond to those in the Treehouse. The small window on the bottom is Mr. Gadget's office. The ones in the middle (l to r: kitchen, master bath, master bedroom) are what we refer to as the buffer zone. This insures that our retirement years will continue to be happy and relatively stress-free. Well, that and the pet gate....
November 19, 2010
Daunting details
November 17, 2010
This little bus brings back memories of an old boyfriend who used to drive one. Actually, his was a little different. It was a badly-oxidized red and had a front and back seat and an open area in the back like a pick-up truck.
Boyfriend had a big slobbery dog which I wasn't fond of. I'm more of a cat gal, although I can cozy-up to a dog now and then. But never a big slobbery one. This caused quite a dilemma. I was very fond of the guy but I wasn't thrilled with the dog...who would often ride in the car and give it an unpleasant odor. Not to mention, there was always lots of dog hair. Back then--hard as it is to believe--women would actually dress up for a date, so you can imagine what I looked like when we got to wherever it was we were going.
I always hoped that this man would find another home for BSD, and I guess I should be careful what I wish for. It wasn't too long before he got his draft notice and then BSD had to go. And soon both boyfriend and BSD were gone--BSD to a nice home with a big yard and lots of children, and boyfriend to basic training at Ft. Something-er-other in Kansas.
I was thinking of making some little clay people to put in this bus, just for whimsy's sake. And maybe a cat.
So the other day the construction foreman here at the complex flagged Mr. Gadget down as he walked to the mailbox. He said he was sorry about the wrinkles on the side of our unit. We hadn't noticed, but it seems the windows on the new building next door have been reflecting the Fall sun and have wrinkled and bubbled our vinyl siding. So now I'm a born-again sunscreen user. I had no idea. He assured us they'll replace the siding......and I'm just wondering if I can negotiate a deal for my neck and jowls?
November 11, 2010
November 07, 2010
A fine day for flannel
November 03, 2010
Creepy encounter
October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Mr. Gadget and I didn't turn on our lights. We ate all of our Halloween candy a week ago...
October 29, 2010
Socktober sunrise
I've made progress on the socks.
I haven't finished the toe on sock #1. Toe-finishing is not my favorite part of knitting. I'll just save it till I'm done with sock #2 and do them both at once.....with a glass of wine....or better yet, a piece of chocolate...or four. They are kinda festive-looking. The ladies in the senior center knitting group--where I've been working on them--admire my youthful spirit.
I've been working on a pilgrim pair I've promised to other Marcia. I'm experimenting on the man's shoes. My pilgrim men usually wear boots, but one day I realized that male pilgrims would be better dressed in pilgrim shoes. So I googled a picture and did a sketch. They aren't finished yet, but when they are you'll be the first to judge. He'll have a hint of leg showing. I like that in a man.
So I unloaded an old dresser by way of Craig's List this morning. Mr. Gadget calls me the Queen of CL, since I always amaze him with the old pieces of junk I'm able to discard. What he doesn't realize is that junk is a relative term. It really is true that one person's trash is another's treasure.Big City Girl got this gem long ago from her best friend. She had plans to collage it, and soon lost interest. It was a similar thing with a chair she purchased at the local flea market.
Both were abandoned in the parental basement storage facility. So today, some sucker, I mean some nice man, came by to pick up the dresser. He must have been intrigued by my description of the piece wherein I stated: "might make a nice canvas for some whimsical artwork."
And now for the chair. I should probably check with BCG before I discard it, but technically I think the statute of limitations has expired. How to advertise it, I wonder? Maybe: "with just a little bit of embellishment, this would make a perfect throne for the woman in your life." It could go in a heartbeat.