December 16, 2010


This morning as I was enjoying my coffee in the great room--a room where dirty dishes and clean laundry can't be left untended because there's no place to HIDE them --I noticed the sun coming in through the kitchen window and illuminating my ceramic gingerbread house.
I grabbed my camera on-the-quick because I thought it was really quite striking. Then I decided to scout around for other scenes that might be photo-worthy.
Here are some little block candle holders I made one year with clay robin standing watch. Do you think he needs a Santa hat?

This is the clay Santa I made last year. Remember how I added a bit of whimsy on his backside?
Kinda hard to see, but he's got cheeks. It really wasn't my intent. Sometimes clay has a mind of its own. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Santa and dog-who-cannot-see are keeping each other company next to the fireplace. Poor Santa. He looks like he's had too many pre-Christmas treats. I know just how he feels. I'll bet he was noshing on the chocolate chip cookies. Sure glad I didn't do any nibbling....

My holiday motto: "No flat surface shall go undecorated."

My little photo excursion brought back memories of Christmases past. I remember how dear-ol'-dad, who was an especially handy person, cut big Christmas figures out of plywood. My sister and I helped him paint them, and then he attached them to our garage door and lit them up with a spotlight. That was back before icicle lights and blow-up lawn Santas and antlers for your car. I kinda miss those days. Those were the days when what kept you awake all night on Christmas Eve was the excitement of Santa's visit instead of that darned arthritis in your hip....

1 comment:

Marge Malwitz said...

My smiles for the day Marcia! I remember a street in Union where I grew up in-where all the neighbors got together and had a continuing scene of Santa's workshop and all the elves etc. on painted plywood cutouts-all lite with spot lights-on everyones lawn on down the whole street. Those were the years my mother drove us around town after dark to see all the wonderful Christmas lights on the houses. It was such an annual treat-that look-see. The local paper even gave out prizes. The good 'ole days!