July 02, 2009

What a crock!

Many years ago, back in my single days, dear ol' dad bought me a crockette. It's a mini-crockpot, he told me, that's just the right size for a one-woman dinner. I fired it up once or twice, but mostly it sat in the back of a little-used cupboard. Then I married Mr. Gadget, and it wasn't long before the crockette came out for an encore.
Seems it's just the right size for a one-man dessert. I slice up 3 golden delicious apples, toss them in a sugar-cinnamon mixture, add some raisins, and plug in the crockette for about 4 hours or so.Every now and then I peek in and give it a stir....and enjoy a little whiff of apple goodness.
Then, as soon as Jeopardy is over and Mr. G has remoted over to the baseball game, I put some vanilla ice cream in a bowl...a big bowl...and cover it with some of this sweet, warm cooked apple delight. I carry it over to him, where he's all comfy in his recliner, and tell him I'm sorry it's not apple pie (his fave), but it's the next best thing, and that I worked and slaved over a hot crockette all day for him.
Easy brownie points I tell you!


Marcia said...

Sounds good and easy! Ever try it with blueberries and some oatmeal?

Kathy W said...
