July 17, 2009

Directive from daughter

My birthday card from Big City Girl arrived yesterday. She's big into collage, so usually makes all of her cards....which I love. Here's the front:
Mr. Gadget wondered what her boss would say if he knew she was using the office color copier for greeting cards, but I told him not to worry.....it was stuck-on stuff. Here's the inside:

I've been a little busy the last couple of days working on an article to submit to the local newspaper. I was working on it last time we were in town and never seemed to get it together. Deadlines. Gotta hate 'em, gotta love 'em.

Many years ago I met a woman online through a travel website. I was living in Connecticut and she was out here, in Manhattan Beach--both of our hometowns. We began an email correspondence that continues today and we are continually amazed at how much we have in common. I decided to write about our friendship and submit it to the paper for a column called "My Turn"--for which they solicit articles written by their readers.

So very little crafty stuff has been going on, but I am well underway on another Just Enough Ruffles scarf--this one in red. This is my second attempt. The first one had to be frogged because of a nasty picking-up-wraps issue. But I persisted and mastered the pesky little things. It helps to read the directions.....carefully....with the TV off and Mr. Gadget over in the gym. I can't possibly understand tricky knitting instructions when someone is telling me he can only find one of his three sweatbands.

I do have plans for some angel ornaments that I'm thinking of making out of fabric using a similar technique as for the clay and cloth dolls. I'll be setting up my experimental laboratory sometime early next week. Right after I make another trip to the farmers market. Gotta restock the fruit. I think I'll pass on the cactus this time....

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

So Mr. G and Mr. H have the same "I can't find it" syndrome.
Love Stef's card! Let us know if your article is published...would be a good read!