April 30, 2007

New Buddy

Meet Dixie, my new Dyson. I'm not in the habit of naming appliances...well, except for Carol the cute little GPS and that was really BCG's doing......but somehow this one just seems like a Dixie. Her predecessor, who was nameless, fell into disrepair very conveniently right around Dump Day. Mr. G carted her off without me, since I was in Plymouth, which was just as well. I don't do good-byes well.

And speaking of Plymouth, I've made a little progress on the Plymouth sweater. I'm doing it on circular needles, just as I did the elderberry, since they're so much more compact and friend-friendly than the long straight ones. If I decide to take this project along for airplane knitting, I won't be poking my seatmate...which in all likelihood will be Mr. Gadget.

I will not be taking this one along all the way to China. I'm thinking instead of a small piece of embroidery for my ongoing Christmas tree skirt project. Everything I need will fit in a small sandwich bag I'm pretty sure.

Here's another one of my buddies. He comes around pretty regularly looking for a handout. I thought it might be nice to give him a chair so he wouldn't have to eat right off the ground.

Maybe he should really have a table with a little placemat and some utensils too, although I don't want to spoil him. Pretty soon he'd be bringing all of his buddies and then I'd have to call a caterer.

And still more on buddies, I'm making a fabric contribution to my friend Jane who is working on a sewing project with a group that supports dogs for the visually impaired.

They make and sell those neck bandana thingies for dogs, with the proceeds going to the training and care of the guide dogs. It's a very worthy cause, and it makes me feel good to see Jane so excited about being part of it. Even if I am a cat person....heh...heh....

So I guess that's about it for today. I have to get crackin' on a couple of witch dolls I promised for this weekend. I've been experimenting with some fabric paint to see if I can tint the witch skin a sort of pastel yet ghastly shade of green. It should work out fine as long as I don't get any in the pasta......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the show next weekend. I don't know if you'll be dealing with hoards, but for sure I will at Maryland Sheep and Wool. Think I'll sneak in for a few hours before opening bell (vendors will take your money!) and then go back late on Sunday when the busses have all left!