April 28, 2007

Birthday memories

Today is my sister's birthday. Sadly, she isn't here to celebrate with us. In 1975 she was killed by a drunk driver just before she turned 25. Not only was she a special sister, she was also a very talented artist. This is a self-portrait.

I've always been sorry that Tech Guy and Big City Girl never got to meet her. But it's amazing how much of her I see in BCG when she sits down at the table to draw--long brown hair hanging down, familiar hands, legs crossed. And Tech Guy's cartoons have so much of her style. Chalk it up to genetics I guess....

I was always the dependable kid--the one who followed the rules. My sister was the rebel. She embraced the hippy lifestyle of the 60's and always accused me of being too wholesome. In fact, she used to tell me I was just as wholesome as Wonder Bread. I hated that. I really wanted to be just a little bit like her. She tried on several occasions to lure me over to her world on the edge, but it never took.

I remember the night before her 18th birthday, I invited some friends over and we filled up her VW bug with balloons. Then I peeked out the window the next morning as she was leaving for school. That was about as outrageous as I ever got.
Our folks and I always looked forward to our birthdays because we would usually receive one of her very special handmade cards. Here's one of my favorites:

So tonight Mr. Gadget and I will go out for a sushi dinner, and we'll offer up a little toast--he with Japanese beer and me with Diet Coke. Happy birthday little sis! Give mom and dad a big hug for me. And don't be takin' 'em to any heavenly tattoo parlors!

1 comment:

LindyGardens said...

Ah, I love ya for your mind.... and your heart... today.