April 07, 2007

Easter April Fools

Since Tech Guy is living here with us now, I decided it might be nice to prepare a little Easter basket for him. Well, of course I will tell him it's from the Easter Bunny, but he'll probably figure out that it's not really....especially when he tries to bite into one of these candy treats and finds out it's not a food product. Heh...heh..... I think he'll forgive me, though, when he finds out there is peanut butter crunch ice cream in the freezer.

And speaking of Tech Guy, he came up with a great idea for the ladybug wing embellishment challenge.

She's all finished now except for my signing and dating her. I resisted that step for a long time until my artsy craftsy friends insisted that it was an important part of my creation and I darn well better do it. I usually sign the dolls on the back of the head, or somewhere where it's fairly well hidden. In the case of Lorraine, I'll see if I can sign on the back of her wing. I'm glad she has a friend now. It's always nice to fly off into the world with a buddy.

While I was looking for just the right shade of embroidery thread for the flight path of little buddy, I remembered that I haven't been very organized, although my disorganization is very colorful I think.

I used to do cross stitch embroidery and it's probably not hard to understand why I usually had to buy new thread. I'll be much better organized in my next life.
So the elderberry sweater is stretched out on the living room floor drying on several towels after a nice bath. The weather is still cold here in New England, so I'm hoping it will dry before summer sets in and I have to put it away without a test run. In the meantime, I've picked up the yarn and needles for the second sock of a striped pair I started some time ago. No Second Sock Syndrome here, but there will definitely be Summer Sock Storage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forget the towels on the floor....get one of those neat mesh sweater drying racks. Ten bucks. Half the time drying. As for the "next life" thing...yeah, I've got stuff planned for that one, too.