It was right after I finished her......not more than 5 minutes I'm pretty sure.....that all the local fabric stores starting carrying ladybug fabric. Good thing I bought some and put it away in my stash because now I find that there will soon be ladybugs in the garden and I like to be known as a crafter for all seasons.
So the trip to the dump on Saturday was actually very pleasant, as those things go.
There was no line, so no need for me to entertain Mr. G with funny jokes. Good thing too, since I didn't have any....There were plenty of cheerful workers, and they took the chair out of the car for us, so no bandaids were necessary. Mr. G and I were so taken aback by this efficient display of city government at work, that we can hardly wait for the next dump date when we can get rid of recliner #2.....which is now causing Mr. G to get agitated and even curse.
And for my final blog tidbit for today, this morning I went to the library. I must say it is also an efficiently run city operation, except for those loud librarians who continue to be one of my pet peeves. Maybe I expect too much, after all they're much younger than I am and have no memory of librarians of yore. Anyway, I was remarking to Mr. G that the automated check out stations have gotten so popular now that I had to wait in line. To which he said, "I would always go to the counter and have a real librarian check out my books. After all, we pay taxes for that service."
"I like the idea of checking out my books in private," I told him. "Just in case I want to check out something like Knitting in the Nude. He just smiled and replied,'s probably best if I not share that on the blog......
You and Mr. G are so cute. Love your banter. Wonderful about that red hat lady going to Colorado so soon, too.
ما تهتم به شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض هو البحث عن كيفة علاج مشاكل تسريبات المياه التي تطرأ علي المكان فجأة بواسطة اجهزة الكشف الحدية التي تستخدمها شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض والتي تسعي للوصول الي افضل النتائج المثالية القادرة علي حل هذه المشكلة بدون تدمير فالاعتماد علي الاساليب الحديثة يساعدكم في الحصول علي نتيجة مثالية في مصلحة العميل فنحن لا نكتفي بتقديم هذه الاعمال في مدينة الرياض فقط بلا لدينا الفنين المتميزة الذي يقدمون شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام التي تعمل علي حل مشكلة البيت بدون الاعتماد علي ا اساليب تقليدية التي تستخدما بعض مقدمي خدمة شركة كشف تسربات بالدمام فلا تتكايل بشأن هذه الاعمل بالذات لانه يحل لك الكثير من المشاكل
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