April 20, 2007

No-Doll zones

Well, unfortunately, my latest Red Hat Lady didn't sell on eBay. And, unfortunately, I don't have someone waiting in the wings to scoop her up as I did with Lorraine. So she will join the other characters in the treehouse for now, and I'm sure she'll be stirring up trouble in no time. And speaking of that, just last week I read in our local newspaper of a Red Hat group in another Connecticut town that was banned from the Memorial Day parade. Seems they were too disruptive last year. I'm figuring the city fathers are just a big ol' bunch of curmudgeons.
I'm really pretty lucky that Mr. Gadget doesn't mind having my dolls around the house. He isn't without his limits though, so I've learned to respect certain no-doll zones.
For instance, Mr. G. wouldn't want to see something like this sleeping in his bed.
And he'd be pretty upset if he found one of my characters anywhere near his car.
And god forbid that one of them was sitting in his chair playing with his gadgets:

But even worse than that would be if he went to the cupboard and found it empty because a certain someone had been doing this:

So, tomorrow is another Dump Day here in our town and we have a never-ending supply of dumpables at our house. Since I'll be in Plymouth looking for ghosts, I'll have to miss it, but Mr. G. assures me he can handle the trip by himself. For his sake, I hope there isn't a line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having seen a group of Red Hat ladies at the Olive Garden, I must admit that a lot of ladies, some with very gray hair, in a group dressed in purple and red is a bit intimidating. However it does seem strange to ban them from a parade.

Maybe it was Don Imus' hair that got him in so much trouble beside the "idiotic" remark.

Possibly a lot of ageism going down--just when we reach "old age". Well so much for any kind of "fairness".

Like your doll but I have a lot of allergies and Mr. H. has his hobbies which are strewn all over the place collecting dust so I only buy dolls to give away.

Maybe when Judy retires..teacher retirement doll? What would a doll like that look like?