April 05, 2007


Here is a preview of ladybug Lorraine, still in progress. I'm happy with the ready-made polka dots. I did find some fabric for her wings and they are done, but not yet attached. I'm trying to decide on some sort of bead embellishment.....and hoping I have just the right ones on hand. Yesterday, when I swung by the fabric store for just a couple of things, I ended up buying fabric for more dolls.

Now that the crafty stuff is out of the way, I can move on to the travel suspense. No.....trip #1 is not a trip to the gastro doc for a colonoscopy. It's not even a trip to the endo guy for a root canal. This is much scarier. I'll be accompanying some friends to Plymouth, Massachusetts for a weekend that will include some shopping, some eating, some museum visits, and this. The friend who has planned this spooky little adventure has also arranged a special visit for our group to the Taylor-Trask Museum where a baby carriage has been known to travel from room to room. And there have also been reports of close encounters with spirits. I'll give a full blog report......that is, if I live through it.

Trip #2 will take place in June, and should not be as scary. Unless, of course, Mr. G and I end up at one of those authentic restaurants with delicacies of unknown origin. I've already got a prescription, just in case.

So right after I did the post on our pleasant weekend trip to the dump (yes, I know....our travel itineraries are quite varied), I remembered a funny story about Dear O' Dad. Back in his healthier days, when he was living in the condo, he decided to get rid of an old sleeper sofa. Since Frugal was his middle name, he didn't want to pay someone to haul it away, and he certainly didn't want to anger the curmudgeons by putting it out on the curb. I didn't learn about this till much later, but it seems he took it apart piece-by-piece, bagged the pieces up, and put them in the dumpster one-at-a-time over many weeks.
Here in Connecticut, people have been known to dispose of unwanted furniture this way too, or even undesirable spouses. Sometimes they've even been known to rent woodchippers. In fact, it's not unusual for women I know to plan a little out-of-state trip somewhere when Spring arrives and their husbands gets a hankerin' to do a little yard clean-up. Good thing Mr. G isn't that ambitious.......


Anonymous said...

Wowie! Zowie! That's a couple of good travels there.

Lorraine looks good. My friend says Veronica is enjoying herself there at her house. Do you remember Veronica?

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! Could you find a little bit of room in your luggage...for ME?! Happy Easter!