August 13, 2006

Which witch is which?

I'm now starting witch production up here in the treehouse, and when I've got more than one under construction, it's hard to keep them straight. This one is going to be Wilma the whimsical which, I mean witch.....but I'm already confused. Those are blue polka dots, not purple, so the purple boots are really for another one....Winona maybe.

I really enjoy making witches. Mostly because of the whimsy. While I was sewing a few body parts yesterday, I got the idea that maybe I could make a witch wearing the Red Hat Lady fishnet stockings. After all, I stocked up on the fabric when I realized it was a disappearing commodity, and many Red Hat Ladies can I hope to make in the years I have left?

So while I'm up here in the treehouse contemplating which witch to work on, I hear someone out in the front yard with the hose on. It's hubby. He has decided to clean out the rain gutters. This is a job that has been postponed for a few months at my request.

Just before we left on our last extended trip to the west coast (where we had the graduations and the weeks' trip to Maui planned) hubby decided to clean the gutters. He had gone so far as to borrow our neighbor's extension ladder so he could climb up to the second story roof.

Whenever Mr. Gadget gets involved in anything requiring outside gadgets, I refer to those jobs as one-bandaid or two-bandaid jobs. I always know exactly where the box of bandaids is before he starts, and I always insist that he not begin if I'm planning to be away from the house. It could be that I'm a bit paranoid about this, but a few years ago one of his jobs required a call to the poison center and another had me running to the phone to dial 911. Now that we're home for a while, there's plenty of time for a hospital stay. But I'm happy to report that he's back in the house, safe and sound, and we now have clean gutters....and can hold our heads up high in the neighborhood.

So Big City Girl didn't make it home this weekend as I had hoped. She's off for a short vacation with her BF and his family to the outer banks of North Carolina. She's looking forward to some beach time, and who could blame her.....what with having to start work the day after her college graduation and all. I have made progress on the assemblage of the dust mop sweater. I've got the instructions handy, plenty of safety pins, the yarn needle with the dull point and lots of spare yarn. It should be a bandaid-free job.....

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