August 24, 2006

Sewing lessons

Here is monkey, begging me to teach him to sew. Too bad the machine is broken. It's an oldie-but-a goodie that might be worth something if I hadn't dropped it off the bookshelf. There should be a wheel with a knob on the side by monkey, but it broke off and I've been told that cast iron is a poor candidate for welding. So it will remain a paperweight, or a fabric weight, here in my treehouse. I believe it was one of my mother's early toys. Her mother, my grandmother, was a seamstress. It figures that my grandma would have taught my mother to sew, and she in turn would teach me. And wouldn't she be surprised to know that it has led me to the treehouse where I create and then have conversations with all sorts of characters.

At the moment I am between scans. I had an 8 a.m. mammogram scheduled this morning. I was afraid the technician might not have had her coffee yet, but both she and her machine were acting pretty perky...heh...heh... A little later this morning I'm going for a thyroid scan--something I've been having for the last few years, ever since my doc found some nodules. She is ever-the-vigilant doc, for which I should be grateful....and I really am. It's just that sometimes it seems like I'm socializing with more machines than people. But I'm trying hard to follow the advice I've always given my dad, which is to make sure there are more fun things on the calendar than medical things. Maybe I need some ice cream.

So today the auction closes at eBay for Winona. I have no bids yet, but I'm keeping a positive outlook and hoping for that frenzy at the end. Meanwhile, I'm working on another witch for my internet friend in California. I'll be going out there again in early Sept. to check on dear ol' dad, and I've promised her special delivery. She's asked me to name her an "M" name, so I'm waiting to see what she (the witch) tells me. I'm thinking, since she'll be a little glamourous--with a necklace, a boa, and lots of eye shadow--maybe she'll be Marilyn. I'll check with her and see how that flies.

And BCG is coming for sure on Saturday. Her boyfriend is going to a boys-only batchelor party for a friend who's getting married. Good time for BCG to get outta town. She'll let me know when to pick her up from the train, but says it won't be too early--it being Saturday and all. I'd better get some garbage bags ready for the big room clean-up, and the camera. It's important to document momentous family occasions......


Maddie Can Fly said...

For an "M" name -- I'm a little partial to Madeline -- hee hee

Anonymous said...

How about a photo of your treehouse? I need some inspiration for the backyard and a treehouse would be cool!

Here's more "M" names: Millicent, Mildred, Mordred (in King Arthur's tale), Michaela, Michelle, Molly, Melissa, Minnie, Marcelle. Good medical advice for your dad...and everyone!