August 17, 2006

Fair trade? Not!

So this morning I had the last of my four dental appointments. Mr. Dentist installed my permanent crown, after which I wrote him a big, fat check.....after which he urged me to take some of his home-grown tomatoes that were sitting in a big bowl on the reception desk. I did, of course. Who could resist something fresh from the garden? It reminded me of when I was a kid and went to the children's dentist. When the torture, I mean the procedure was all over, he'd tell me to take something from the drawer of prizes. Fresh tomatoes were today's prize, and how fortunate that I now have a full set of fully-functioning teeth with which to eat them......

Ladybug Loretta ended up flying off to Florida this morning. There was a wee bit of last-minute bidding frenzy, and she went to the second bidder who managed to get her bid in during the last minute of the auction. I always enjoy sitting there, hitting the refresh button every so often watching for any down-to-the-wire excitement. It takes very little to amuse me.

So now I was going to show you the finished witch Winona, but Blogger must think I've posted enough pictures for one day. She's up on eBay now, and you can go over there and take a look. Just put "primitive witch doll cloth" in the search and she should come up. I've invited Tech Guy over for dinner tonight for BBQ'd ribs. That should be enough to get me some tech the easiest way to get a link in the blog to my eBay page. I'll send him home with some leftovers......and some toilet paper, which even after college is still considered a special gift. I should probably put them in separate bags.....

1 comment:

Maddie Can Fly said...

LOVE your humor (toilet paper and leftovers in separate bags). I read your blog almost every day and really look forward to it.