August 19, 2006

Happy Hour

Cocktails for two. Red witch shoes. No hangover. Notice the fishnet stockings? I coffee-stained them, and I also put some stain on the black and white ghost print fabric I plan to dress her in. I always like a witch with a weathered look--like she's been around the block a few times on the broom.

So I'm feeling a little sleepy today, in spite of two cups of coffee already. That's because our phone rang at 5:45 this morning. Someone calling about the done-with-college-no-longer-need futon we have listed in the local newspaper's "Free Stuff" column. It's a great way to get rid of stuff. Lots of folks are happy to find a bargain.....especially one that's free...heh...heh... And if it's something big and cumbersome, we're very careful to include that part about "you pick up." So now we're futon-free and overcome with passion about getting rid of more stuff. BCG says she'll be coming home next weekend to work on her room, and she told me to have lots of garbage bags handy because she doesn't really think there's much she wants to save. Yes!!! Oh, and about that guy who called at 5:45......hubby told him it was already gone.

Here is a picture of Winona. I wasn't able to post her yesterday. She's up on eBay now, awaiting a home. All of my bean bag dolls are weighted with plastic pellets, so they sit nicely and can be posed. I usually include some ideas in the description about how they can be displayed. I mention that they can be placed in a doll chair, or sitting on a table with their legs dangling over. A few people have told me they've put them on their computers at work. And if they're "collectors"...heh...heh....they have one for each season. I think Winona, with that face, might be able to scare the boss away.

So the dust mop sweater is all ready for a final blocking, and should be making its debut in the next post. If BCG does a decent job cleaning her room, it will be her prize......along with a nice padded hanger so it hopefully won't become a bed for her bunny. And the shawl-collared jacket is now on the needles, after some tweaking to get the right gauge. I really have to thank Mr. Heckerman, my high school algebra teacher. He was right after all when he said that algebra would be useful some day......

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