February 28, 2006

Sheep preview

A while back, my friend Marcia suggested that maybe I could make a sheep doll. Since then, I've used that as my excuse to pop into all the fabric shops in the area....and there aren't many, even though this is a huge metropolis. Well, there is Joann's just down the street, but I have yet to find fabric there that works well for my dolls. I like their little jumpsuits to drape nicely, not stick out at odd angles. Good quality quilting fabric works the best.

So today I popped into this nice little shop and found this fabric that seems to have scanned fairly well. It looks like mums--those flowers whose whole name I'm sure I couldn't spell correctly. But I think it would work for a sheep's wooly coat. I was hoping to find something with a swirly print, but the only fabrics with nice swirlies were bright purple and orange. Not exactly the kind of sheep you'd find down on the farm. So mum's the word for my sheep. What do you think, Marcia? Now that I have the fabric, I'd better come up with a pattern.

And further to my story yesterday about the annoying car alarm. I noticed this morning it went off at 7:41, and hubby....who gets up earlier than I do....said it had already gone off a couple of times before that. While I was out shopping he tells me the gardener was out mowing the grass between the sidewalk and the road. And you can probably guess.....the alarm went off each time the lawnmower went by.

I also mentioned that Big City Girl got her cell phone back. And today I was the lucky recipient of a call from her. This is a rare and wonderful thing! She told me she'll be finished with her internship early and will have satisfied her remaining 9 units to graduate. I asked her how it feels to be so close to college graduation, and she said, "weird!" I can relate. I went back to college, after dropping out years ago, and graduated when I was 52. Because of that, I am especially proud of both kids for doing it in four years.

Did I mention I also make a graduate doll? I'd better dig that pattern out and get to crackin'!

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