February 12, 2006

Funny Frog

Here's another one of my family cartoons. You may remember Ray from an earlier post. He was unwelcome in my son's college dorm and had to move home.

I had planned to include a photo of some progress on my cat stitchery, but there was none today. We took a road trip to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library instead. One of the highlights of the day was the weather. It was in the low 80's and the visibility in the Los Angeles area was spectacular. This is in stark contrast to today's weather in Connecticut--where I spend most of my time. Just take a look here and you'll see why I'm ever so grateful to be elsewhere! My friend Marcia is in the thick of it, but at least she has the Knitting Olympics to keep her mind occupied....

But back to the library. The exhibit that fascinated me the most was one that's housed in a specially-designed pavillion. It's Air Force One--the Boeing 707 aircraft used by Reagan during his terms of office. I've been a big fan of airplanes since my high school days when my dad got his private pilot's license and invited me to go along on weekend joy rides. Then several years later I got a job with an airline, and saw lots of the world. One of my most memorable flights, however, was not to an exotic place. It was a short ride over the freeways and shopping malls of So. California-----in the Goodyear blimp. My boss was the airplane tire buyer. Sometimes it's great to have connections.

So an update on the QE2 soap opera. Apparently my friend had the story wrong. Seems the two combatants were women. One of them, age 70, ended up with a sprained arm, cut forehead and broken nose. The aggressor and her husband were put off the ship in Fiji. There's more. Novelist Mary Higgins Clark was aboard the ship giving a lecture series. She plans to include this episode in her next novel.

I think it's Jay Leno who says, while doing his Monday night headlines, "You just can't make this stuff up."

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