February 02, 2006


Here's another pillow, in response to a request by Kathy, who is a big fan of my small ones with funny sayings. This one is about 16" square. The words and the outline of the lady are embroidered, and her cleaning attire has been painted on, including the pink rollers (don't you love 'em?) It's the perfect ensemble for a day of housework....or for going to the mall, depending on where you live I suppose.....

The lady is one of my sister's drawings, and has always been one of my favorites. I'll write more about her in a future post. My son (aka my tech guy) has promised to animate her. He says it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to do. I find that mind-boggling! My first thought was to have her moving the broom back and forth in a sweeping motion. But then I decided it would be more appropriate to have some foot tapping. Housework with an attitude.

I'm not much of a fan of housework. I've contemplated many plans for making it less of a pain. I've considered devoting one whole day to doing the entire house, and then having the other six days free to play. This doesn't work. Something housework-like always slips in. I've thought of dedicating one day a week to a different room. But then someone will track mud into the kitchen on a bathroom day. I've given myself "assignments" by writing out chores on 3 x 5 cards. Then I can't remember where I put the cards.

So what I end up doing is pretty much what I've always done. I leave the dust bunnies alone to play in the corners, I do the laundry when I see clothes peeking out of the hamper, and I grocery shop when the fridge is looking a little light. Then I knit and sew until I hear there's company coming....

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