February 05, 2006

Lemon Pie

So I've been checking out the lemon tree in the backyard and thinking it won't be too long before these are ready for lemon meringue pie--my favorite food in the whole world! Then, guilt sets in and I remember my resolve to lose those pounds that crept on (I have no idea how) over the holidays. And I figure, maybe it would be better to try this recipe instead.

This morning I made a trip to the grocery store (the one with the pleasant employees) to stock up on Super Bowl goodies for hubby. I'll be eating celery sticks....heh, heh. I had in mind making some guacamole. So I picked up some nice ripe avocados and suddenly found myself faced with Pet Peeve #2 (#1 being the skinny graham crackers.) Funny how my peeves seem to relate to the grocery store. Maybe I'm spending too much time in there.

Anyway, what's with those plastic produce bags that refuse to open no matter how many clever finger tricks you try? I struggle with both ends and nothing works. I read the instructions, "open this end," and still nothing. I refuse to lick my fingers. There's no telling where those grocery carts have been. By the time I find a moistening agent like just-sprayed bok choy or damp celery and get the bag open, I'm thoroughly exasperated. "Grrrrr," I reply to the cheerful produce clerk when he asked me how I am on this beautiful Sunday morning.

So later in the morning, I went to visit my father at the nursing home where he now resides. Many days I plan my visit so I'm there to sit with him while he eats his lunch. He always offers to share what's on his tray--things like beets and bean salad and tapioca pudding, and I always politely decline. But today he had lemon meringue pie, and I think he remembered how much I like it. He insisted that I have it, and I didn't want to disappoint him.

Oh well. Tomorrow's Monday. That's always been the best day of the week to start a diet.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Wow, a real lemon tree in your back yard? For some odd reason we don't have those in New England.

Mmm, lemon meringue pie... these days I am contenting myself with putting a splash of lemon juice in my Diet Coke.