July 07, 2013

Who needs worry beads...

....when you've got worry pumpkins? It's amazing how soothing it is to poke little bits of fiber in to a bigger piece of fiber.  And when you have children, there's plenty of worrying that needs doing, so it's good to have some fiber at the ready.

Big City Girl has been suffering for a few months with various pains in her head.  She's seen several doctors--her primary doc, an allergist, an ENT, and a couple of dentists.  Certain conditions were ruled out, and the best guess seemed to be TMJ--a jaw issue that results when things are out of alignment.  A mouth guard was prescribed and that seemed to help.  We all thought the problem was finally solved.  It was not.  A visit to an endodontist last Wednesday confirmed that a root canal was in order.  An appointment was made for next Friday. She couldn't have it sooner she said because she had big weekend plans.

On Saturday she flew out here to SoCal.....not to see us but to meet up with her boyfriend, who was already here, to attend a wedding.  She had barely stepped out of the airplane when the throbbing pain started again.  So her boyfriend's mother got her an appointment at the emergency dental clinic--where she knew people and apparently had some influence--and BCG had the root canal done in short order. It was almost like a special welcome to California celebratory thing...  She's doing much better and she had a fun time at the wedding. And, as I type, she's already in the air on her way back to the big city.

Thank goodness I had my worry pumpkins.

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