July 13, 2013

I havent felt like blogging; maybe I'll blog about felting

Mr. Gadget and I have been busy....trying to get the bathroom ceiling stitched back together after it ripped apart while we were gone.  It's a long story, and a very colorful one.....since the cause of this unfortunate situation was a plumbing overflow upstairs.

So, let's move on to something more pleasant.  Felting.  I've been making Santa ornaments. They still need beards and some embellishments.
I've also been making flower pins.

This morning Mr. Gadget and I took a walk to the farmers market where I had plans to buy a crepe for breakfast.  There are all sorts of interesting foods for sale there. But, alas, the crepe lady--who has always been a standard fixture--wasn't there.  So I had a cream-filled malasada covered with cinnamon sugar.  A malasada is a Portuguese donut.  If only needle-felting burned more calories....

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