July 23, 2013

Cutting and pasting

A while back I volunteered to make the nametags for my 50th high school reunion which is coming up this Saturday.
"I'm not very technically inclined," I told the organizers, "but if you're ok with me cutting and pasting the old-fashioned way I'd be happy to make them."

They said they were, and both admitted they weren't very technically inclined either.  Many of us in our generation are doing our best to catch up with this techno-stuff, but the further along we get, the further along it gets.

The reunion will be a casual affair, hosted by a classmate in her home.  She told us not to dress up.  So today I went shopping to look for something new to wear.  No sense planning too far ahead I always say.  I tried on a few things, but came home empty-handed.  None of the stores had what I was looking for....which is a nice tasteful outfit with the ability to make me look 20 pounds lighter.  What's wrong with these stores that they can't be more in touch with what their customers want?

I came home feeling pretty glum and decided to go outside and relocate my painted turtle.  Remember him?

He's been living outside near the front fence.  But in recent months the plants have grown around him and he looked like he was hiding.
I was able to coax him out and redirect him to a more open area.
Sadly, I discovered he was missing a foot and tail. I looked all around and they were nowhere to be found. I hope one of my neighbors didn't decide to make turtle soup.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Hi Marcia, Did you have that reunion yet? Did ya go to the park on Saturday? Judy and I didn't do anything this year. Judy did have to babysit. Love your turtle and activities to keep busy in retirement! John is back from Utah vacation that he and our younger son went on and they had a great time. Neat pictures too. Nothing new with me except I want an outfit that will take off at least 20 lbs, too! (oh and I got my ears pierced last week--never did that before). Kathy